
Sensors | AZ Delivery

58 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 58 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 58 products
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ACS712 20A Ampere Stromsensor Range Modul Current Sensor kompatibel mit Arduino - AZ-DeliveryACS712 20A Ampere Stromsensor Range Modul Current Sensor kompatibel mit Arduino - AZ-Delivery
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KY-015 DHT 11 Temperatursensor Modul - AZ-DeliveryKY-015 DHT 11 Temperatursensor Modul - AZ-Delivery
KY-015 DHT 11 Temperature sensor module
Sale priceFrom £6.00 Regular price£13.00
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GY-271 Kompassmodul Kompass Magnet Sensor für Raspberry Pi - AZ-DeliveryGY-271 Kompassmodul Kompass Magnet Sensor für Raspberry Pi - AZ-Delivery
GY-271 compass module compass magnetic sensor for raspberry pi
Sale priceFrom £5.00 Regular price£7.00
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Save £11.00
LJ12A3-4-Z/BX Induktiver Näherungssensor - AZ-DeliveryLJ12A3-4-Z/BX Induktiver Näherungssensor - AZ-Delivery
LJ12A3-4-Z/BX Inductive proximity sensor
Sale priceFrom £6.00 Regular price£17.00
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KY-037 Hochempfindliches Mikrofon - AZ-DeliveryKY-037 Hochempfindliches Mikrofon - AZ-Delivery
KY-037 High sensitivity microphone
Sale priceFrom £4.00 Regular price£11.00
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ACS712 30A Ampere Stromsensor Range Modul Current Sensor kompatibel mit Arduino - AZ-DeliveryACS712 30A Ampere Stromsensor Range Modul Current Sensor kompatibel mit Arduino - AZ-Delivery
SW420 Vibration Schüttel Erschütterung Sensor Modul - AZ-DeliverySW420 Vibration Schüttel Erschütterung Sensor Modul - AZ-Delivery
SW420 vibration shaking Schaügung sensor module
Sale priceFrom £4.00
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KY-024 Linear Magnetic Hall Sensor - AZ-DeliveryKY-024 Linear Magnetic Hall Sensor - AZ-Delivery
KY-024 Linear Magnetic Hall Sensor
Sale priceFrom £5.00
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KY-032 IR Hindernis Sensor Modul - AZ-DeliveryKY-032 IR Hindernis Sensor Modul - AZ-Delivery
KY-032 IR Obstacle Sensor Module
Sale priceFrom £4.00 Regular price£5.00
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Max9814 Mikrofon - AZ-DeliveryMax9814 Mikrofon - AZ-Delivery
Max9814 microphone
Sale priceFrom £6.00 Regular price£15.00
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TCS3200 Farbsensor TCS230 Farben Sensor Modul - AZ-DeliveryTCS3200 Farbsensor TCS230 Farben Sensor Modul - AZ-Delivery
TCS3200 Color Sensor TCS230 Color Sensor Module
Sale priceFrom £8.00 Regular price£27.00
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KY-038 Klangerfassungsmodul Mikrofon Voice- Ton Sensor - AZ-DeliveryKY-038 Klangerfassungsmodul Mikrofon Voice- Ton Sensor - AZ-Delivery
KY-038 Sound detection module microphone voice sound sensor
Sale priceFrom £4.00 Regular price£11.00
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KY-003 digitaler Hall Effekt Sensor Transistor - AZ-DeliveryKY-003 digitaler Hall Effekt Sensor Transistor - AZ-Delivery
Ky-003 Digital Hall effect sensor transistor
Sale priceFrom £4.00 Regular price£5.00
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