DIY-Beleuchtung mit WLED: Smarte Lichtsteuerung einfach umgesetzt - Teil 4 - AZ-Delivery

DIY lighting with WLED: Programming an ESP light mixer


After the previous part 3 In the current post, we will use them in the current post to build a light control desired with an ESP32, on which the desired color can be easily mixed from the RGB shares. There is also an encoder for the effect. Thus, the previous software control is expanded to include an easy -to -use haptic control.

To get an overview of the set parameters, we use a small 0.96 “OLED display.


You need hardware:

ESP32 board
5x Rotary
OLED display
Breadboard big
Breadboard small
Jumper cable

For the structure, you have to separate a power rail of the small Breadboard so that the distance is small enough to be able to stick the ESP32 on it. Next, cable the components as follows:


Encoder PIN:


CLK brightness


Brightness dt




Red dt


Green CLK


Green dt


Blue CLK


Blue dt


Effect CLK


Effect dt


Display PIN:






In the other parts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) we did without programming. This time we use a sketch that we load on the microcontroller via Arduino IDE.

If you program an ESP32 for the first time, copy the following link to Arduino IDE at: File-> Preferences-> Additional Boards Manager URLS:
And install the ESP32 package in the board management.

The driver (CP2102) for this board should already be pre -installed by the operating system.

Install the following libraries:

 'Adafruit GFX' and ,Adafruit SSD1306‘About the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE (Sketch> Include Library> Manage Libraries)

'ESP32encoder': Download the ZIP file from Github Down and install them in the Arduino IDE via Sketch> Include Library> Add .zip Library

Next, select the Board (ESP32 DEV Module) on the right COM port and load the following code to your board:

This time you will find the explanations as comments in the source code

// integration of the librarys
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_gfx.h>
#include <Adafruit_ssd1306.h>
#include <ESP32 code.h>
#include <Wifi.h>
#include <Httpclient.h>

// Display configuration
#define Screen_Width 128
#define Screen_height 64
Adafruit_ssd1306 display(Screen_Width, Screen_height, &Wire, -1);

// WLAN access data
const char* SSID = "SSID";
const char* password = "PSWRD";
// IP address of the WLED controller
String WLED_IP = "";

// Objects of the encoder class for every rotary code
ESP32 code Brightness code, speech, green code, blue, effect;
// Encoder pins
#define Brightness_a 26
#define Brightness_b 27
#define Red_a 13
#define Red_b 14
#define Green_a 16
#define Green_b 17
#define Blue_a 18
#define Blue_b 19
#define Effect_a 35
#define Effect_b 34

// variables for WLED control
intimately Brightness = 128; // brightness: 0-255
intimately red = 128;        // red value: 0-255
intimately green = 128;      // green value: 0-255
intimately blue = 128;       // blue value: 0-255
intimately effect = 0;       // Effect ID in WLED

// array with effect name for display on the display
const char* effectnames[] = {
  "Solid", "Blink", "Breathe", "Wipe", "Wipe Random", "Random Colors", "Sweep", "Dynamic", "Colorloop", "Rainbow",
  "Scan", "Dual Scan", "Fade", "Chase", "Chase Rainbow", "Running", "Saw", "Twinkle", "Dissolve", "Dissolve rnd",
  "Sparkle", "Dark Sparkle", "Sparkle+", "Strobe", "Strobe Rainbow", "Mega Strobe ", "Blink Rainbow", "Android", "Chase", "Chase Random",
  "Chase Rainbow", "Chase flash", "Chase flash rnd", "Rainbow Runner", "Colorful", "Traffic Light", "Sweep Random", "Running 2", "Red & Blue","Stream",
  "Scanner", "Lighthouse", "Fireworks", "Rain", "Tetrix", "Fire Flicker", "Gradient", "Loading", "In out", "In in" ",
  "Out out", "Out in", "Circus", "Halloween", "Tri Chase", "Tri Wipe", "Tri fade", "Lightning", "ICU", "Multi Comet",
  "Dual Scanner", "Stream 2", "Oscillate", "Pride 2015", "Juggle", "Range", "Fire 2012", "Colorwaves", "BPM", "Fill Noise", "Noise 1",
  "Noise 2", "Noise 3", "Noise 4", "Colortwinkle", "Lake", "Meteor", "Smooth meteor", "Railway", "Ripple"

// help variable at http communication problem
Boolean Bred = 0; 

void update();
void Display Valuesonscreen();

void set up() {

  // initialize display
  IF (!display.Begin(Ssd1306_switchcapvcc, 0x3c)) {
    Serial.print(F("Oled not found!"));
    while (true);
  display.Clear display();

  // set internal pullup resistances
  ESP32 code::Anternalweak pull resistor = putype::up;
  // initialize Rotary Encoder
  Brightness code.Attachhalfquad(Brightness_a, Brightness_b);
  speech.Attachhalfquad(Red_a, Red_b);
  green code.Attachhalfquad(Green_a, Green_b);
  blue.Attachhalfquad(Blue_a, Blue_b);
  effect.Attachhalfquad(Effect_a, Effect_b);

  // rely encoder for default values
  Brightness code.setcount(Brightness);
  green code.setcount(green);

  // Mail WLAN connection
  Wifi.Begin(SSID, password);
  display.Clear display();
  display.setcursor(0, 0);
  display.print("Connect to wifi:");
  display.setcursor(0, 16);
  while (Wifi.status() != Wl_connected) {
    IF(Millis() > 30000) ESP.remaining start(); // If no connection is established after 30SEK then restart then
  display.Clear display();
  display.setcursor(0, 0);
  display.print("Wifi Connected!");

void loop() {
  // Read encoder values ​​(constrain limits the value)
  Brightness = constrain(Brightness code.scuffle(), 0, 255);
  red = constrain(speech.scuffle(), 0, 255);
  green = constrain(green code.scuffle(), 0, 255);
  blue = constrain(blue.scuffle(), 0, 255);
  effect = constrain(effect.scuffle(), 0, 80); // WLED supports effects up to ID 80

  Display Valuesonscreen();

  delay(100); // demanding rate

// Function sends the HTTP requests to WLED
void update() {
  IF (Wifi.status() == Wl_connected) { // check connection
    Httpclient http;
    // assemble the address from components
    String url = "http: //" + WLED_IP + "/Win";
    url += "& A =" + String(Brightness);
    url += "& R =" + String(red);
    url += "& G =" + String(green);
    url += "& B =" + String(blue);
    url += "& Fx =" + String(effect);
    http.Begin(url); // initialize Request
    intimately httpcode = http.Get(); // Send Get-Request

    IF (httpcode > 0) {
      Serial.printf("WLED updated: %d \ n", httpcode);
      Bred = false;
    } Else { // Connection error
      Serial.printf("Error in WLED update: %s \ n", http.errorostring(httpcode).C_STR());
      Bred = true;

// function for displaying the values ​​on the OLED display
void Display Valuesonscreen() {
  display.Clear display();
  display.setcursor(0, 0);
  // title
  display.print("Wled Control Panel");
  IF(Bred) {// connection problem !!
  Else {

  // display brightness
  display.setcursor(0, 16);

  // Show red value
  display.setcursor(0, 24);

  // Show green value
  display.setcursor(0, 32);

  // Show blue value
  display.setcursor(0, 40);

  // Show effect
  display.setcursor(0, 48);



With the new light controller, colors can be easily mixed and effects can be played. In order to obtain even more flexibility, another encoder could be added to adjust the effect speed (& sx =). But sliding potentiometers can also be used instead of the encoder to mix the parameters more smoothly. You can also insert the Breadboard structure in a 3D printed housing.

Here the potentiometer is connected as a voltage divider so that the voltage can be easily tapped over the grinding contact. In the program the encoder.getcount () Command by Analogread (PIN) be replaced.

If a faster reaction to the set parameters is desired, it is advisable to look at the control UDP to throw (WLED Doc).

There are no limits to your own creativity.

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Have fun recovery :)

DisplaysEsp-32Für arduinoProjekte für anfänger

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