CP2102 USB to TTL Converter HW-598 for 3.3V and 5V with jumper cable

Select quantity discount: 1x HW-598
Sale price£7.00

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In stock (55 units), ready to be shipped

✅Zuverlässiger USB-Serial-Adapter mit CP2102 Chipsatz
✅Zum einfachen Anschluss an allen gängigen Mikrocontrollern mit 3.3V und 5V
✅Kleine Abweichungen im Timing oder in den elektrischen Spezifikationen bringen diesen Konverter nicht aus dem Tritt!
✅Ermöglicht eine stabile Übertragung auch mit höheren Datenraten

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Our AZ-Delivery USB-Serial-Adapter with CP2102-Chip from Silicone Labs is one of the most reliable and fault-tolerant programming adapters on the market.
Due to the adjustable logic level of 3.3V and 5V, this adapter is not only compatible with most applications and all common microcontrollers
such as Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32 and STM32, it can also be used to flash many embedded devices.

Since the CP2102 chipset is also suitable for higher data rates, it was used for the ESP32 dev kit and the NodeMCU Amica V2 module, among others.
The three LEDs installed on the module show the operating status as well as the communication on RX and TX.
Due to the widespread use of the USB-UART controller, many application examples are available.
VCP drivers are provided by the IC manufacturer for both Windows and Linux.
✔️Original CP2102 SL chip, directly from the manufacturer
✔️VCP driver for Windows and Linux
✔️Popular in the community

With your order at AZ-Delivery you will get a product in usual high quality and with fast delivery directly from Germany for a discount price!

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AZ-Delivery: Your expert for microelectronics!

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