AZ-Delivery Starter Kit Electronics for beginners offers numerous opportunities to learn microelectronics, programming and electronics. The set is perfect for simple projects and thus also for school children and young people.

Component list
5 pcs. White LED | 5 pcs. Yellow LED |
5 pcs. Blue LED | 5 pcs. Green LED |
5 pcs. Red LED | 1 pc. RGB LED |
2 pieces. Photo resistance | 1 pc. Thermistor |
2 pieces. Diodes rectifier (1N4007) | 2 pieces. NPN transistor (PN2222) |
1 pc. Tilting switch | 5 pcs. Button (small) |
1 pc. IC L293D | 1 pc. IC 74HC595 |
1 pc. Active buzzer | 1 pc. Passive buzzer |
1 pc. Potentiometer | 1 pc. 5V relay |
1 pc. 830 point Breadboard | 1 pcc |
1 pc. Ultrasound sensor | 1 pc. Fan wing |
1 pc. 65 jumper cable | 1 pc. USB cable |
10 pcs. Resistance (10r) | 10 pcs. Resistance (100r) |
10 pcs. Resistance (220r) | 10 pcs. Resistance (330r) |
10 pcs. Resistance (1k) | 10 pcs. Resistance (2K)) |
10 pcs. Resistance (5k1) | 10 pcs. Resistance (10k) |
10 pcs. Resistance (100k) | 10 pcs. Resistance (1m) |
10 pcs. Dupont wire (female/ male) | 1 pc. Resistance identification card |
1 piece of microcontroller with Atmega16u2 |

Attractive packaging
The simple and portable box arranges and sorts all components in a practical packaging. So finding the components is easy and quick.

Comprehensive set
This kit contains resistors, LEDs, transistors and other basic components that you need for entry and projects.