ACS712 current sensor 5A measuring range Range Module Current Sensor compatible with Arduino

Quantity discount: 1x current sensor
Sale price£6.00

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✅ Dieser Stromsensor ACS712 kann Strom bis zu 5A messen und ist dank seiner kompakten Maße einfach und leicht zu verbauen.
✅ In diesem Range Modul befindet sich der Current Sensor Chip ACS712ELC-05B.
✅ AZDelivery garantiert Ihnen die 100% Kompatibilität mit Bascom.
✅ Unser AZDelivery Stromsensor ist für den Messbereich von -5A bis +5A // Ausgang (mV): 185mV/A geeignet.

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The AZ-Delivery ACS712 current sensors are designed to be easily used with microcontrollers. These sensors are based on the Allegro ACS712ELC chip. They are offered with full scale values of 5A, 20A and 30A.

The basic functional operation of each of these devices is identical. This current sensor can measure current up to 5 amps and is simple and easy to install thanks to its compact dimensions.

✔️ IC chip: ACS712ELC-05B

✔️ Operating Voltage: 5V

✔️ Measuring range: -5A to +5A

✔️ Output (mV): 66mV/A

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